Where in Japan will I be studying, you ask? Well, I plan on studying at Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies in the Nagasaki Prefecture of Japan. It is a magnificent campus with an excellent foreign studies program. At this university, I will be engaging in Japanese cultural studies and language studies. Normally I have huge goals for any venture I take part in. For this exciting venture, my goal is to deepen my language studies so I can learn to communicate effectively with the Japanese locals and businesspeople (for a possible internship abroad).
This is just a snippet of what I will be talking about on this blog. I am hoping to visit Tokyo while I am in Japan. And, possibly, I hope to visit more places in Japan that give breathtaking views of the gardens and temples. I will be posting videos that you can access on my Youtube account. Plus, I will be posting pictures of the gorgeous sceneries offered in Japan both on this blog and on my Tumblr account (I will be making a separate Tumblr account soon). Thanks for visiting my blog! Make sure to come back for updates!
P.S. I will be having a section on Anime and Cultural Impact in the Area of Multimedia and Communications. This section is an analysis on current events happening in Japan and around the world.